Unique crispy pineapple from South America.Packed with the valuable vitamins like vitamins A and B as well as minerals and trace elements like iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and zinc, freeze-dried pineapple pieces are healthy, nutritious and yet low in calories.
For 1 kg of freeze-dried pineapple, about 9 kg of fresh pineapple are required.
It goes perfectly with breakfast cereal or as a small, sweet treat. In the office or on the go – without a guilty conscience!
Pineapples contain vitamins A and C, a high fiber content, potassium, iron and the enzyme bromelain by nature.
Thanks to the gentle freeze drying process, these valuable vitamins, minerals and trace elements are preserved.
Our freeze-dried pineapple pieces are completely without coloring, without glutamate / flavor enhancer, without preservatives, without artificial aroma, without sugar, vegan, vegetarian, raw food.
Gluten free